My name is Kyle Sherry. I'm an Instructional Designer, Content Creator, Photographer, and Videographer.
Khalogram Creative is a business I started for all my creative projects.
I'm proficient in the following Adobe Applications.
I'm proficient in the following Microsoft Applications.
Throughout my career as an instructional designer, I have created curriculum, workflow guides, and troubleshooting documents for various applications. Most of my work is for Epic Systems products that I cannot share outside Cottage Health. This portfolio contains work from other projects.
I have created over 30 Captivate courses while working for Cottage Health. Below is a course I created for an implementation project.
All videos were filmed with a Nikon camera and edited in Premiere Pro.
I created The Downtime Procedures video to provide refresher training on downtime procedures and workflows. Images of Epic Systems are blurred out.
- CottageOne Downtime Procedures
I created the Aperture Priority video for my photography social media page.
More of my work can be found on YouTube.
- YouTube
Training is primarily demonstrated in a training environment, and the exercise book contains practice exercises for the students to complete independently. The curriculum contains callouts when students should complete exercises.
The following guide was created for trainers responsible for training vaccinators at a vaccination clinic. The guide is a single-page printout for the trainers to refer to during training.
- Training Guide - Vaccinators
I created the following PowerPoint presentation to provide IT staff refresher training on change control procedures and documentation. The script for the demonstration is in the notes of each slide.
The following documents are workflow guides that I created for the OnBase application.
Photography is a personal passion of mine. I love exploring nature and capturing landscapes.
Phone: 513.969.7427
Email: [email protected]
Santa Barbara, CA
hosted on Scalahost
I spent most of my free time working on Landscape photography. I'm either out exploring taking new shots or working on editing and publishing.
When I'm not out photographing nature, I have a few other activities I like to participate in. I'm not one to turn down an opportunity to try something new so my toy box is very full. My top priorities are Mountain Biking, Rock Climbing, Snow Boarding, and Road Cycling (hopefully one day I can throw surfing in this list). I can't deny seeking the thrill of a full send. I find these as a great way to stay in shape while also exploring new places.My interest in video making has been increasing and these action sports provide a lot of inspiration.
At the end of the day, my passion is for creating and sharing. Rather it be Landscape Photography, Portraits, Graphics, or Training Materials, I just want to create beautiful stories to share and hope that they bring someone a smile.